Author Archives: admin

Gunnebo neemt deel aan Project Ride

Binnen het project Ride wil Gunnebo Doetinchem B.V. in samenwerking met diverse projectpartners, de introductie, (door)ontwikkeling, implementatie en integratie van (verregaande) automatisering, robotisering en digitalisering binnen fabrieken/bedrijven in de Oost-Nederlandse metaalindustrie realiseren, vanuit gezamenlijke kennisontwikkeling en investeringen op het gebied van new manufacturing technologies, connected systems en digitization. De subdoelstellingen van het project zijn: 1. […]

The Factory.

Each factory can be considered a system – of machines, materials, energy, production workers, transport, safety – and much more. Which of those subsystems are most relevant to a Production Manager, and which to a Safety Officer? In this series, several colleagues describe their perception of the factory.

Gunnebo Doetinchem participates in Fieldlab Smart Bending Factory

The Smart Bending Factory project is centred around a new (physical) state-of-the-art factory specialised in metal cutting and bending. The participating regional companies will share their knowledge, expertise and recourses, and collectively exploit the newly developed manufacturing processes. Customers will be able to digitally specify and order custom products online. The high level of automation […]